FLASH!! It’s not even close! The latest Smart Politics Poll of conveniently available sentient beings shows Clinton over Sanders 7 to 1. 

Woman Warrior – Female samurai

Originally shared by Valeria Elisabeta

Woman Warrior – Female samurai

An onna-bugeisha was a type of female warrior belonging to the Japanese upper class. Many wives, widows, daughters, and rebels answered the call of duty by engaging in battle, commonly alongside samurai men. They were members of the bushi (samurai) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honour in times of war. They also represented a divergence from the traditional ‘housewife’ role of the Japanese woman.

Source: Japanbook

Congratulations to Taiwan!

Congratulations to Taiwan!

Originally shared by Frederick Wilson II


From a comment to https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AlexanderWaitZaranek/posts/7uZeutNwpND by Lewis Yingling:

Originally shared by Steve S

From a comment to https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AlexanderWaitZaranek/posts/7uZeutNwpND by Lewis Yingling:

This is the reason I consider myself a “Radical Moderate.” I am radically opposed to extremists on both sides of the spectrum. Having passionate ideals is wonderful, however, when it comes down to it the real world is a complex and complicated place with complex and complicated problems that require complex and complicated solutions. In my mind, Hillary has a much better grasp of the worlds complexity. Her record and her words show her to be more conservative then me on some issues and more liberal on others. To me, that is the way it should be.  

  The arguments in the comments section beneath the above Planned Parenthood post sadden me. It is obvious that Hillary has been fighting hard for women’s issues her entire life. I think it is obvious that Bernie has a good record as well. There are many people far more liberal then me and I can respect that they want to vote for Bernie in the Primary, but to argue that they will not vote Democratic in the general election is insanity. A total insult to their own Progressive values.

  There is no doubt in my mind that President George W Bush was appointed and not elected. The 2000 Florida election was as horrific as it gets; tens of thousands of Florida voters were disenfranchised an the election should not even have been close. Having said that, I will point out that the “official” result in Florida had “W” winning by 534 votes out of some 6 million.  As I recall, there were some 30,000 votes or more for Ralph Nader in Florida in 2000. Hey, everyone is allowed to vote for who they want, and Nader was good on environmental issues, but there was absolutely no way Nader was going to win the Presidency. So those Nader voters are responsible for doing damage to our environment in my mind because instead of voting for the most viable candidate that was good on environmental issues, they felt it was more important to “make a statement.”

  Come on people. There is a vast expanse between the Democratic and Republican candidates in this election. Yes, Hillary is more moderate then Bernie, but she is a radical progressive compared to the Republicans. If you are more radically progressive then I, if you are passionate about your progressive values and feel the need to vote for Bernie during the Primary, great. Do that. We need debate and discussion within our Party. That is what America is all about; a discussion, a conversation. I will be glad to discuss why I prefer Hillary to Bernie and I will listen to you.

  In the end though. In the General, lets join together and defeat which ever nut the Republicans run. We can not let this Country go backward!



Originally shared by Rugger Ducky

Mr. Trump’s virulent combination of ignorance, emotional instability, demagogy, solipsism and vindictiveness would do more than result in a failed presidency; it could very well lead to national catastrophe. The prospect of Donald Trump as commander in chief should send a chill down the spine of every American.

HT Jon C​
