
The cocoon nebula — IC5146

“My precious…”


Miscellaneous projects

A number of pictures taken over the past few days of rare clear sky.

Nebula in Cepheus
Nebula in Cepheus
IC63 — small nebula illuminated by a nearby star
NGC7741 — Barely resolved barred spiral in Pegasus
bubble nebula
The Bubble Nebula, again. Next to Cassiopeia “salt and pepper” cluster.
Another try on the Iris Nebula
The Pleiades. Usually the nebulosity is blue.
Dragonfly cluster, also known as the Owl cluster
Pacman Nebula
Flaming Star Nebula

Not Neptune…

My plan was simple — over a period of number of days, take a picture of the sky where my telescope thought Neptune would be, stack the images, and find a line of dots against the fixed stars.  Didn’t work.

There are 4 sub-images (“subs”, in the lingo), taken on 09/15, 09/21, 10/03, and 10/10.  25 days.

Here’s the partially processed stack, straight from the computer. Note that you select one of the subs as a reference, then try to fit the others on top.  This is a full frame, 3.5×2.5 degrees in the sky:

I find this image aesthetically pleasing, though it is disconcerting that the 4 subs were so far from alignment.  Somehow I thought the tracking software in my rig would do a better job.  But in any case… Neptune takes 165 years to make a trip around the sun — 360 degrees in 165 years, or about 2.2 degrees a year.  That’s about .006 degrees a day, or around 20″/day, on average, or an arcminute every 3 days.  So, maybe 6-7 minutes over 25 days?  A little less than half a cm on my screen, that would be.

But, averages.

Because of Earth’s motion around the sun, Neptune stops, then goes retrograde for a while, every year, and I don’t know where we are in this cycle.  So maybe it didn’t move at all.  I could probably get Stellarium to show me, but for the time being I’ll chalk it up as a failed experiment that gave me a pretty picture.

Elephant’s Trunk?

Elephant's Trunk

I believe the elephant’s trunk is dangling down from the upper middle. This is a composite of 100 2-minute exposures; processed with Pixinsight and Gimp.  Better pictures taken by more experienced amateurs with better equipment can be seen here. The full field of view here is actually known as IC 1396, and it’s part of a much larger complex.  Here’s a great view of the whole complex.

There is a bright star dead center.  You can’t tell in this image, but that is a group of at least three stars.  Here’s the center at full resolution:

center view

This is the combined image; once you know what you are looking for the center star does look a bit suspicious.

Here’s the center without the nebulosity, from a single 2-minute exposure:

Just stars

One star is clearly separated, and there is a hint of another in the lower right.  Other exposures show that split more clearly.   This is at the limit of the resolution of my telescope.


The Wizard Nebula

Wizard Nebula

NGC7380, the “Wizard Nebula”.  It’s a bit small for this telescope.  Doesn’t look much like a wizard to me — Maybe that’s him walking out of the darkness towards the right?

The Soul Nebula

Soul Nebula

IC 1848, if I remember correctly from last night when I was collecting this.  The Heart Nebula is just a little down and to the right.  Merging with the previous image, we get something like this:

heart and soul

More careful processing is needed to get a seamless transition between the images, but you get the idea…

The last two nights were clear and mostly moonless.  I have images of several other objects that may be OK.

The Heart Nebula

the heart nebula

IC 1805, known as the “Heart Nebula“.  Also catalogued as “Sharpless 2-190”.  Just above, out of view, is another nebula , IC 1848, known as the “Soul Nebula”.  I’ll try that one soon.  Perhaps I’ll try to construct a mosaic.