Catching up on astrophotos

The days are clear, but the mist rolls in about midnight, so it’s been difficult to take any pictures. Here are a few from the last month or so…

NGC7635 (the Bubble Nebula), M52, and NGC7538

NGC7538 is sometimes called “The Brain” or “The Northern Lagoon”. It’s the bright knot at the top center. M52 is the open cluster bottom left of center.

IC1340, part of the Veil Nebula in Cygnus. Called “The Bat” for some reason.
Another view of the Bat, IC1340. More exposures.
IC1396, the Elephant’s Trunk. It’s poorly framed…
IC1396B - Elephant's Trunk
Better framed version. Couldn’t get the colors right.
IC63, The Ghost Nebula — for its shape.

Someday, maybe, I’ll move to a mountain top, with clear dark skies. For now, I live in haze and city lights.