Not Neptune…

My plan was simple — over a period of number of days, take a picture of the sky where my telescope thought Neptune would be, stack the images, and find a line of dots against the fixed stars.  Didn’t work.

There are 4 sub-images (“subs”, in the lingo), taken on 09/15, 09/21, 10/03, and 10/10.  25 days.

Here’s the partially processed stack, straight from the computer. Note that you select one of the subs as a reference, then try to fit the others on top.  This is a full frame, 3.5×2.5 degrees in the sky:

I find this image aesthetically pleasing, though it is disconcerting that the 4 subs were so far from alignment.  Somehow I thought the tracking software in my rig would do a better job.  But in any case… Neptune takes 165 years to make a trip around the sun — 360 degrees in 165 years, or about 2.2 degrees a year.  That’s about .006 degrees a day, or around 20″/day, on average, or an arcminute every 3 days.  So, maybe 6-7 minutes over 25 days?  A little less than half a cm on my screen, that would be.

But, averages.

Because of Earth’s motion around the sun, Neptune stops, then goes retrograde for a while, every year, and I don’t know where we are in this cycle.  So maybe it didn’t move at all.  I could probably get Stellarium to show me, but for the time being I’ll chalk it up as a failed experiment that gave me a pretty picture.

Temple of the Masks

It was quite warm, but pouring rain…

Temple of the Masks, Kohunlich, Mexico. This is one of the few remaining structures with surface sculptures still intact.


The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Originally shared by John Trikeriotis

An artistic rendering of one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The temple was destroyed by the invading Goths in 262 AD.

Unfortunately, all that remains of the temple is a single column which was constructed of fragments discovered on the site.

Image – Socorro Public Library