Thanks to Edward Morbius, this morning I read about the NSA’s likely ability to have been snooping on SSL/TLS secure…

Originally shared by Scott Gomez

Thanks to Edward Morbius, this morning I read about the NSA’s likely ability to have been snooping on SSL/TLS secure sessions by coming up with a means to compromise the Diffie-Hellman key exchange that sets up the session.

If you’re interested in knowing what sort of encryption your browser is using, and in what order it requests the various encryption schemes possible when setting up a connection, here’s a site that may help. The results are mostly in plain English.

h/t to the Electronic Frontier Foundation  for the post, here:

that lead me to the site.

What Happens When Your Brain Can’t Tell Which Way is Up?

Originally shared by annarita ruberto

What Happens When Your Brain Can’t Tell Which Way is Up?

In space, there is no “up” or “down.” That can mess with the human brain and affect the way people move and think in space. An investigation on the International Space Station seeks to understand how the brain changes in space and ways to deal with those changes.

Previous research and first-hand reports suggest that humans have a harder time controlling physical movement and completing mental tasks in microgravity. Astronauts have experienced problems with balance and perceptual illusions – feeling as if, for example, they are switching back and forth between right-side-up and upside down.

The Spaceflight Effects on Neurocognitive Performance: Extent, Longevity, and Neural Bases (NeuroMapping) study is examining changes in both brain structure and function and determining how long it takes to recover after returning from space.

Researchers are using both behavioral assessments and brain imaging. Astronauts complete timed obstacle courses and tests of their spatial memory, or the ability to mentally picture and manipulate a three-dimensional shape, before and after spaceflight. The spatial memory test also is performed aboard the station, along with sensory motor adaptation tests and computerized exercises requiring them to move and think simultaneously. Astronauts are tested shortly after arriving aboard the station, mid-way through and near the end of a six-month flight.

Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain are done pre-flight and post-flight.

Read the whole article for knowing more>>

Left image explanation: This illustration shows the configuration for conducting neurocognitive assessments for the Neuromapping study aboard the International Space Station.

Credits: NASA

Right image explanation: These slides show changes in volume in certain areas of the brain that occur with long-duration, head-down tilt bed rest. The Neuromapping Flight Study examines whether similar changes occur with spaceflight.

Credits: University of Michigan

Well, FUCK.

Originally shared by Pierce Arner

Well, FUCK. Here’s to hoping that this absolutely doesn’t happen, and hopefully there’s an ability for us to make significant noise about it and be meaningful in doing so.

Also, here’s a link to the wikileaks page with a bunch of other analyses on the shitty TPP:

“There is no doubt that this senseless violence is breathtaking,” Carson wrote, “but I never saw a body with bullet…

Originally shared by Rugger Ducky

“There is no doubt that this senseless violence is breathtaking,” Carson wrote, “but I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.”

And that is it in a nutshell. He is a sociopath. It’s not that uncommon in surgeons, especially in neurosurgery. The field draws them in. Its the perfect fit for a narcissistic person who has no empathy and believes themselves above other people.

Ask yourself if someone who has such callous disregard for human life is the person you want in charge of the US Armed Forces and our nuclear arsenal. I know the idea terrifies me.


Originally shared by Kam-Yung Soh

Interesting. “It’s counterintuitive—because more often than not, the technological solution is worse than the analog one—but washing dishes by hand actually uses around twice as much energy, and way more water, than the most efficient dishwashers on the market. And this tiny new dishwasher prototype uses even less water, and no electricity at all.

“The dishwasher is free from dependence on infrastructure,” says Israeli designer Chen Levin. Instead of plugging in, a hand crank on the side provides power for jets of water. A tablet made from sodium acetate heats the water up without electricity. The system takes only a minute to clean dishes, Levin says.”

Adding Chords to Single Note Lines – Part 2

Originally shared by Jens Larsen

Adding Chords to Single Note Lines – Part 2

In the first lesson I covered some ideas and advice on adding chords to a solo line. When you try to do this over a progression with more chords you need to take a few more things into account. I’ll try to demonstrate how I approach this and how you can practice towards this skill.

You can download a PDF and read the article on my blog via this link:

Hope you like it!
