Comet Lovejoy Buzzes past the Pleiades M45!!!

Originally shared by John Chumack

Comet Lovejoy Buzzes past the Pleiades M45!!!

The Bright Comet Lovejoy C/2104 Q2 was cruising past the Open Star Cluster M45 “Pleiades” aka  “The Seven Sisters” Star Cluster!


What a wonderful view last night, the comet was amazingly bright in Binoculars!  If you own Binoculars, get out and look at this bright comet!!!!


I watched & captured it on 01-15-2015 around 8:00pm from my observatories at JBSPO in Yellow Springs, Ohio.


I captured this image with my Canon 6D DSLR & 105 mm Lens, F5.0, ISO 800, on a CG-4 Tracking Mount.

14 x 180 second exposures stacked in Deep Sky Stacker.

 42 minutes total.


Best Regards,


John Chumack

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