Moderately accurate color and brightness. These photos remind me of very old Chinese Ink paintings.
Dinner with friends…
Yesterday marks the first time since the pandemic started that we have had dinner with our friends.
A discernible shape?
In my previous post I said that Mars actually appeared as a tiny sphere. Here is a much enlarged portion of that image — it’s not much to look at, but I’m tickled that it doesn’t appear to just be a diffraction pattern from a point source of light…
Moon and Mars
In the original, if you zoom in so that pixels are individual squares, Mars actually is a discernible sphere.
Farewell dear comet
Olympus EM I Mark III, 150mm lens, f/2.8, 20s, ISO1600. Slight greenish tint, as has been noted by others.
Yesterday was the first time it was visible, after three days of bright clear days followed by early evening overcast.
There are many thousands of photos of this comet, most of them better than this. It’s a personal momento.
Olympus EM 1-3; 40mm F2.8 for 2 seconds. ISO 3200. I was sitting down, with the camera on my lap. If weather permits I will try again tonight with a bigger lens and a tripod…