Originally shared by Zohreh Jafari
Remembering Earth-that-was
Originally shared by Betsy McCall
Short piece of experimental electronic music.
Funny thing: while an authoritarian system like a hereditary monarchy is anathema to my world view, it works in a superhero movie…
“Banks creates a kind of flawed paradise, a society truly worth fighting for – rather than a warning from the future, his books are a beckoning.”
Originally shared by Michael Interbartolo
Iain M. Banks’ Culture Series is headed to Amazon Prime Video, with the studio snapping up the rights to “Consider Phlebas.”
Categorized as “Space Opera,” the books document a utopian society that finds itself post-scarcity, with money and space transportation no longer an issue. Humanity has encounter multiple species, some more friendly than others, and grown from living purely on natural worlds to create huge space habitats like rings. Lifespans have been extended by hundreds of years.
One of my favorite authors… Banks had a vision of the future that made it really seem worth living. He was young, and had so many more stories to tell.
Here’s a more substantive article:
Why the Culture wins — an appreciation of Iain M Banks, by Joseph Heath