Originally shared by Will Hill
A nice step up from the X60. Can take 8GB of RAM as opposed to the 3 GB of the X60, and has a faster processor.
Remembering Earth-that-was
Originally shared by Will Hill
A nice step up from the X60. Can take 8GB of RAM as opposed to the 3 GB of the X60, and has a faster processor.
Last night we saw “Strange Magic”. Reviews have been mixed, but I think it may be the best thing George Lucas has ever done… Well, maybe second best. YMMV, of course 🙂
Originally shared by Patrick Charlton-O’Shea
Go Egypt!
Because the Dark Ages aren’t going to bring themselves back.
Cleaning out my garage. Complete developer kit, media package is unopened. Got it in some kind of promotion, I guess…
Originally shared by Lifehacker
Anonymous browsing without the hassle of a full-time setup.
Originally shared by ****
Captain Picard, Spock & Gandalf walk into a bar…
Originally shared by Woozle Hypertwin
Free-marketarian propaganda technique:
1. Get you to accept their definition of “rights”, which is that they are created by nature (not humans) and yet are undetectable to science. (Kind of like “God”.)
2. Once you’ve accepted this, they get you to accept their (reasonable-sounding) list of what those (undetectable) rights are, because
3. On the basis of that list of inalienable natural rights that you can’t argue with because NATURE, they can then argue that taxation is theft and the use of force by governments to keep people from doing bad things is the Worst Thing Evar.
(4. ?? 5. PROFIT!!!!)
Miniature Aincrad
Originally shared by Franka Zetko
Island on Lake Bled – Slovenia
Some real artists work using Blender
Originally shared by Jeff smith
What started out as a spoof of the snail mailbox has turned into a more serious work, thanks to all the suggestions and comments.
Now my head hurts. : )
Thanks to all.
Sigh. Another 20 years worth of Culture stories would have been great.
Originally shared by David Brin
Today, Elon Musk tweeted that he’s named two of his spaceport drone ships in the most fitting way: after ships from science fiction writer Iain M. Banks’ Culture novels. How way cool is that!!