Originally shared by Doc Longwell
Quite a few years ago, my uncle who is The Lord of the Nerds in my opinion and always told me about anything important in the Geek world, told me about a TV show called Chuck, now immediately I had doubts. I said to myself “Chuck”?, really that is the name, but as he told me about the show and how much it was relatable and cool, I became more intrigued. At this time I was way behind and had lost any chance of catching up, so once again I gave up on Chuck. Eventually I was at my uncles house and saw the first 3 seasons on DVD, he asked if I had watched it yet, and when I replied, he told me I had to borrow them. And that day began the long lasting obsession I’ve had with this amazing show. I watched and rewatched, with my mom, my brother, and my sister. But I only had 3 seasons, so I lost track. And my uncle had let slip a bombshell about the ending of the last season, weather to make me want to watch or just to screw with me. He wasn’t telling the truth. I didn’t watch seasons 4-5 because I felt it would be ruined. And here I am, probably 7 years since that first day, and thanks to Netflix, I just watched the last episode. I don’t think I have ever loved a TV show as much as I do Chuck. If there is anyone out there who has never heard of it, I fully recommend jumping on Netflix, and watching that first episode about the Geek that gets the Girl