I’m very sorry to wax political, but unfortunately, the times seem to require it.
Originally shared by Rugger Ducky
This is Army of God’s website. Just now. If you’re confused who they are, they’re a violent anti-abortion Christian terrorist organization. They hid and protected Eric Rudolph through his years hiding from law enforcement.
I’ve had at least a dozen white Christian men tell me today there is no active hate machine determined to murder abortion providers. And certainly not in the name of their god.
Of course they’re all applauding yesterday’s murders.
Because they aren’t pro life. They aren’t Christians. They’re hateful people looking for any excuse to hate someone. And this gives them the twisted belief that they’re saving people.
Because, you know, fuck your Sixth Commandment when it’s expedient.
Icarus Anne Riley and the 1st. Freedom from religion always seems to get muddled when talking to these people. They are so sure this is a Christian nation.
Also the 6th is abused all over, most especially with black people in this country. Deny a speedy trial, keep bail against 8th amendment restrictions, and bingo, you got yourself plea bargains galore. That’s our “Justice” system.
Agreed, Rugger Ducky. And the morons eroding the 1st Amendment keeping religion out of government fail to see they are pacing the path for Muslim takeover of government. 1) under Islam, religion is government, and 2) families of Muslim faith are having more babies than Christians, meaning the Muslim culture will grow in presence. Ergo, it is in the best interest of Christians to maintain the wall of separation of church and state.