Yosemite Falls, 2011-04-21
Pictures of Oregon Coast, 2010-08-20
Ducks in a row
Out for a walk, and found a mama duck and babies. This is Crow Canyon Road, a major surface street. Before COVID-19 there would be heavy traffic. But the Samaritan here stopped and shooed them across, and I was able to walk across the road to the center divide to get a picture.
Just around the bend here, on Feb 24, less than two months ago, a 12 year old girl was killed by a hit and run driver. There is a makeshift memorial just out of view.
Walking into the sun 2020-03-29
Thinking about retirement while vacationing at Lake Como
Coping with Retirement
I went on Facebook today; saw many posts from Facebook friends related to my work life, and fell into a revery. There’s no way I would ever want to go back — the bite of being a person of leisure, world traveler, and detached observer of humanity goes a bit too deep, and the freedom is glorious. But the pull of the world of work is still there, and it hurts a bit. Sitting at my balcony looking over Lake Como, hearing the Italian chatter outside, the call of ducks, the lapping waves, and thinking about — thinking about everything. There isn’t anything I would rather be doing at the moment, but a bit of sadness about things undone hangs over it.